RFK Jr is making my Weird-O-Meter go “ding ding ding” as he tries to explain why he dumped a bear carcass in Central Park. But that itself is just the start of the weirdness.
- He is explaining this to certified lunatic Rosanne Barr.
- He wants us to believe that the bear was killed by someone else, not himself hitting the bear while DUI. Just look at his arm-wrap body language in the video and see if you think this is a truth-teller or a desperate cover-upper.
- He wants us to believe that he thought it would be a great idea to pick up this road kill and toss it in his trunk and leave it there to fester all day, so that later he could skin it and keep the meat. Because only normal people eat bear meat, especially bear meat that has festered in your trunk all day.
- He wants us to believe that he was having such a good time at falconry all day that he forgot he needed to go the airport, so he didn’t have time to take the bear home.
- Though careful to explain he was not drunk himself, he wants us to believe that he decided to dump the bear in Central Park because his drunken buddies thought it would be funny, and he thought it would be a fun experience for whoever found the bear.
- He staged the bear to make it look like it was killed by a bicycle (hint: it would be hard to kill a bear with a bicycle, if the bear is old enough to have a useful amount of meat).
- He wants us to believe that, although he didn’t have time to go home before going to the airport, he did have time to stage a bicycle bear death in Central Park.
- He carefully explains that this is just his “redneck” nature, because after all, rednecks are well known to practice falconry with their millionaire New England buddies.
- He seems to think he has the judgement necessary to be in charge of the nuclear codes, even though he staged and dumped a dead bear in Central Park, terrifying the person who found it, and causing authorities to spend taxpayer time and resources investigating the incident and looking for the innocent “perpetrator” who owned the bike.
- He also seems to have had no concern that the population of New York would freak out at the prospect of bears roaming in Central Park.
- He wants us to forget that a more wise judgement, if this was indeed a simple roadkill incident, would have been to dump the bear over an embankment, and contact the local animal control authorities to let them know there was a dead bear there.
- He wants us to forget that there is an easier explanation, which is that he killed the bear while DUI, and was afraid that notifying the authorities would expose his guilt.
- He finds it funny, rather than tragic, that this incident made national news, and instead of doing the right thing and immediately calling the New York authorities to take responsibility, he thinks it was better to just hope it would go away. Again, very presidential.
- And the topper. This was not a youthful indiscretion by a teenager or college student. This is a man who was 60 years old at the time.
I’m not even going to comment on how listening to him makes my eyes water. His vocal condition is not what makes him a weirdo.