Monday Funnies, Volume 3!
The ultimate merger!
Long-time readers of “Sorry Anti Vaxxer” know how well this usually turns out!
Faith above all else!
Gullibility is one of the biggest allies of Christofascism, and therefore one of the biggest threats to American democracy.
The “power of prayer” means you don’t have to do anything except pray!
This reflects exactly what fanatical Christians believe! They just don’t think it through like I did.
A Christian lifeguard is just as inept as a Christian 911 operator. (By the way, I digitally added the cross.)
This is a common variant on the “No True Scotsman” fallacy:
What else would He look like?
Consider the source (unless it fits your agenda).
In the good old days, the burden of proof was on the accused, not on the accuser.
Thanks, Perl! Fun read as always in your work, glad to see it! The Church of Christian Assholism certainly reflects their reality! Comical, feels good to laugh!