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Dark Angel
Famed Member
Dark Angel(@dark-angel)
11 months ago

We spent the Summer in ” This is what we’ve been warning you about for 4 decades you fucking idiots”, as I predicted the wildfires have now destroyed whole towns and become a threat to cities. It’s our new reality in Canada.

Noble Member
11 months ago

Thanks for The Shovel share, I want to look at that site, nice to be reminded to check it out.

To add a picture to post on the front, it needs to be uploaded to the media file first, from what I’ve found. You click on the add media box in your post, upload the pic from your files, and then find the icon on the right to click that adds it to your post. From there, it will auto adjust to your post both on the front page and in the body of your post.

Once you’ve done it, you’ll see it’s less complicated than my explanation of how to do it. I’m certain JG can explain it more concisely than me, he may even have a visual he could share.

I’ll add your meme to the media file so you can find where you need to go.

Last edited 11 months ago by -- HOS --
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