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Celebrating the zen of Finding Out
Welcome, friend! Speak your mind here on this sticky post, on any topic.
Review site rules on the About page.
Glimmer of hope??? Went to visit family in the South. Had a female cousin say she would vote for the Democrat if they put Harris at the top of the ticket. I think it’s gonna happen. Lots of stories floating out there preparing us for the announcement that Biden is going to step aside, I think. Harris could peel off enough R women to win….and yes, I have to bite my tongue all the time when I visit the South. They are stupid religious (S Baptist). I don’t get why they think god is watching over them when so many bad things happen to them. I just can’t even. 🙄 I am an atheist for like twenty years or more and live a charmed life in comparison. Religion/magical thinking makes for poor choices.
Flypast of a Mustang and two Spitfires at 11am on the vid.
We recently lost a Spitfire and sadly, the pilot. These machines now face their ultimate enemy; Time Itself.
I’ve been thinking about Omaha Beach. Eighty years, and it’s starting again.
Gaia has a cure for humans, and She’s applying it NOW! 😪
Avian flu.
Mexico reported an odd, isolated case; the patient wasn’t a poultry or dairy worker.
I think human-to-human infection will eventually happen. Thank doG for Mrna vax.
Are the rest of you feeling scared? I feel sick and scared every day at the thought that the orange chalky dog turd being in office again. Where’s a stroke when you need one? I can barely watch the news now and just scan headlines and shake my head. The level of stupidity in people is shocking and frightening.
Guns don’t kill puppies. Governors kill puppies
I just tried SAV. Got a wix error. Did they finally pull the plug?
Looks like SAV has been nuked. I assume some of the survivors will wash up here.
Big time troll on SAV this morning.
What has happened to SAV.?
Too true, brother, too true.
I’m tempted to watch a trump speech to see for myself how bad his cognitive decline is. I watched Biden’s Valley Forge speech and was very impressed with his delivery. I can see why the Republicans are afraid of Biden.
Super interesting Constitutional analysis of yet another reason tDump cannot be elected to office and does not have absolute immunity.
Personally, I prefer threaded posts.
I made the search field gray to be a little less enticing to start typing comments there. I hope that helps.
And yeah, I don’t really understand why people are still commenting on the Loomer thread, but I don’t object to it either. I mean, inertia is a real thing. I created this site as a safe haven just in case SAV were to suddenly disappear, so if the traffic is minimal because people like to keep commenting under the Nostrils, that’s okay. We’ll still be here just in case.
As for me, I have gotten super busy with various things and so I have not been here a lot, but I’m at SAV even less – zero in fact. It has a warm spot in my heart, but not on my schedule.
It would not have occurred to me that the comment search box was being confused as the place to type in a comment! If this is a real issue for people, I’m sure there is a way to turn it off. The idea was to make it easy for people to find something that might have been posted weeks or months earlier.
On the subject of Christmas, it’s great for kids because of the presents, though I remember being disappointed one year because my parents gave me the wrong kind of toy drum. As I got older, it became the one time of the year when the family makes a great effort to get together. Thanksgiving, not so much here in Canada. Now it’s more a time to be depressed, It’s cold and dark, and half of the family I grew up with is gone. Of course, there is the Baby Jesus aspect, the time of year when we celebrate the slaughter of the innocents, which, ironically is still going on despite Jesus dying for our sins.
How’s that for stream of consciousness? Actually, I’m bummed out mainly because I’m still down with long covid after nearly a year and a half. I got a message from the doc asking me to keep track of my blood pressure, measuring multiple times per day. Oddly enough, it is lowest when I drag my sorry butt home after walking the dog.
Yay Erstwhile! Good post. Ha! I just started to reply to you by typing into the search box. My bad entirely – it’s not like it doesn’t say “comment search”. Unless I’m mistaken, the only problem with this site is a shortage of people posting.
Hi. This is my feeble comment in response to X-Ray Mike. I struggle with this site as I have a difficult time following it and keeping track of who is responding to what. I love and appreciate that J Gorn took the time/initiative to create this site, but it just isn’t intuitive to me. Full disclosure: I’m a bit of a Luddite with no real social media. I have a FB account I use 1-2 times a year. I use Shitter, following no one and bookmarking people/sites I want to keep tabs on (Meidas Touch, Marc Elias, Mike Dunford – who is no longer active on Twatter, Stephen King and various others). I didn’t have an id/pw until little boy Elon required it. I never commented on SAV (wasn’t an actual member) but followed religiously (ha ha, in a non-religious way). You have no idea how long it took me to find a way to reply to you (and I’m still not sure I am replying to you.) Chalk that up to learning curve along with a “lack of permissions” on many pages I click. On SAV, I loved being able to follow a “post” and seeing comments/replies as they came in. I stumbled across SAV early on and was an avid lurker from the beginning. I have no Idea how to do that here (or if I can). Again, taking full responsibility (unlike most people highlighted on SAV)…but I find it difficult to navigate. As an example, I found I originally tried to post this comment in the search bar and copied and pasted it to notes so I didn’t “lose” my response and “walk away”. FWIW I really hope Vaxxman is ok and nothing bad happened to him. His unexplained departure doesn’t compute for me. I am now going to try to figure out how to post this comment. If I succeed, yay me. My point is….I wish it wasn’t this difficult, even if I’m not the most technically savvy commenter.
Personally, I like threaded comments. I don’t understand why so many folks continue to hang out on Loomer Central. This is a much better site. I still lurk there but it is very tedious, it loads so slowly. This site is lightning fast by comparison.
FAFO of the week belongs to the IDF, who in their zeal to kill all Palestinians, shot down three escaped hostages who were waving a white flag. You are not going to win many friends that way, assholes.
Gonna try something new here to see if it makes the site more attractive for people to stop in and leave a drive-by comment. I turned off threading, so new comments are always at the top. This will make it harder to follow discussions but easier for stream of consciousness flow which is the purpose of at least this sticky post. Let me know what you think.
I just now discovered a private message/chat from September. I didn’t even know that it was possible!! Anyway, an old 39 second video from the early days of Covid that you’re bound to enjoy!!
tp – Embed (streamable.com)
So, then, today, my youngest daughter came by for a visit. And I gave her some of the old knicknacks and followed her to the car, I noticed a plain, gray box in her trunk. It was her mother’s ashes!!
My daughter offered me a handful of my ex-wife, but I had to decline. I mean, what if I got the wrong handful, or something??
Just another day in North Carolina.
ETA: Just in case you think this is insensitive or anything, the ex-wife/mother totally abandoned the both of us to take up with the bread man. She lived here, in the little town 2 miles from us, and not one time in the 25 years after she left her daughter did she even bother coming to visit her, and I got a grand total of $11.36 in child support for a little girl 6 years old, abandoned by her mother. Incidentally, my daughter was the SECOND child she’d had and abandoned, the other one being a 1 year old infant she left in the house while going out drinking and hell-raising(as her then husband was in the middle of the Atlantic, on a submarine) a few years before I met her. So, screw that bitch…not even a single soul from her family or anybody else went visit her while she spent a couple months in hospice dying.
Sometimes you actually do get what you deserve.
I was on SAV and Hos had some hc ristmas memes about c hristian folks being miffed and laying low because of persecutions. His meme was showing how weird some c h ristian c h ristmas decorations have become and hard to find any resemblance about the c hristmas spirit per se and some of the replys seemed to completely miss the point and un-less I have completely missed the point it is hard to find anything Christlike about any of this shit as it is all designed to rob suckers and unless you wear a cross or a maga hat you are most likely evil or that is what they want you to think anyway. I am not an SAV member so I cannot reply on the sight. If I am wrong I will apologize to those that replied
So the House finally expelled the lying turd
Who was elected by the sage folks in NY’s Third
Such self-aggrandized virtue signaling
Doesn’t really mean a goddamned thing
When they giddily kiss the orange asshole’s ring!
(This, of course, is our national curse – Trump is guilty of the same shit, only infinitely worse…)
The return of the whistler.
Brexiteers were against the “unelected” bureaucrats in Brussels. Now they get an unelected minister.
emocratic Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear looks set to pull off a big win in Letcher County, which former President the donald won by nearly 60 points in 2020, as he fended off a challenge from Republican Daniel Cameron to secure a second term in office This is totally un-real. This is very close to my hometown. I am there a lot of time. You would never know it was going for Beshear. However we are so glad we had Beshear for our governor during the pandemic. The guy before Beshear was a trump monkey and total as-hole. matt bevin would have had us shining lights up each other like trump said.
Just an ‘apropos’ here: When was the last time anyone tried to contact Vaxman? A lost cause, perhaps, but I was still kind of vaguely hoping we could prevail upon him to appoint a couple of people to post new profiles and breathe a bit of life into SAV. Was his email address something like vaxman@gmail.com?
All of those transphobic regressives can start clutching their pearls! Two films about men in drag are at #1 and #2 in the American Film Institute’s list of the 100 all-time best comedy films!!!
Yet another drag queen comedy also made the list, at #67.
If he was here today, Will Rogers would say…
It’s time to set the record straight…
(Some people are severely satire impaired. When I posted this meme on a Facebook page, more than one individual pointed out that Winston Churchill never used email.)
Melania married Donald for his money. Soon he will have no more money. Therefore, Melania married Donald for nothing.
All day I’ve been checking and rechecking the news to see if there have been any PAB lost court appeals. Sigh.
I think I’m having one of my random insomnia nights. It happens every two months or so and seemingly for no reason at all. I was up pretty early got exercise in the afternoon and haven’t had coffee since the morning. By all measures I should be tired enough to sleep and yet here I am wide awake at 3 am. I’m not freaking out about it and I know I’ll probably crash at some point tomorrow but it is baffling and annoying.
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Have a nice Sunday with your families and your friends!
Any word on the status of Mister Freeze?
Dark Angel has posted a message on SAV that he has been unable to log onto the FAFO Chronicles. He tried changing his password and still had no success. I hope you can help him get back in. Also, try to figure out if there are some bugs in the software, as they could affect other members in addition to Dark Angel.