Check out MY Ko-Fi Page!

I miss SAV, but those days are gone. I feel a little badly just coming on here to SPAM you guys, but you know who I am, and new people can look up my posts on here.  This is a busy time for me and I’ve been busy posting my Sci-Fi Love story on Ko-Fi …No! I mean it’s a real story! hehhe. I have like 10 Chapters now and I just posted a Halloween episode. Thanks for taking a quick second to check it out. You may notice I post somewhat like it’s on old SAV with music videos etc. Thanks to all. Enjoy!

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Noble Member
11 months ago

Hi DarK, 👋 I’ve been meaning to check for new material, sounds like there’s a lot, thanks for the link. 🙂

Edit later – enjoyed! Magic lava tube. Loved the music also. Wow Burden was a favourite, his House of the Rising Sun version, love it. 💜

Last edited 11 months ago by cath
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