The FAFO Exception to Prove the Rule

Usually people who FA only FO the hard way that it was not a good idea. Consider Dorothy Hoffman an exception to that rule. On October 1st, at age 104, Dorothy became the oldest human to ever skydive. The Chicagoan jumped from a plane at 13,500 feet in a tandem dive, and landed safely. It was her second jump, the first having occurred while she was a comparative chick at age 100.

Four days later, Dorothy died peacefully in her sleep, having stayed sharp and energetic right up to the end. We should all be so fortunate to live such a full life and go out on our own terms.

A fitting epitaph:

Full of life and with no fears
Dorothy lived a hundred four years
In four days she dove to slumber
From 13k above to six feet under

RIP, Dorothy

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Famed Member
1 year ago

I can’t go out on my own terms, because my own terms mean never going out at all!

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