From loyal Trump lawyer to his mortal enemy: who is Michael Cohen?

The Guardian wrote:

“If somebody does something Mr Trump doesn’t like … If you do something wrong, I’m going to come at you, grab you by the neck and I’m not going to let you go until I’m finished,” Michael Cohen told ABC News in 2011…”


“A lawyer who was raised in Long Island and the son of a Holocaust survivor, Cohen, 57, spent over a decade as one of Trump’s closest employees. Cohen admitted to violating campaign finance laws relating to a $130,000 pay-off to adult film star Stormy Daniels at Trump’s direction…He was given a three-year prison sentence, which he mostly served in home confinement, dealt a $50,000 fine and disbarred from practicing law in New York for life for his part in the Stormy Daniels affair…”


…”In an interview earlier this month, Cohen claimed that everything that happened at the Trump Organization was with the “direction of, and ultimately signed off by, Donald J Trump…“It appears that I will be reunited with my old client @realDonaldTrump when I testify this Tuesday, October 24th at the @NewYorkStateAG civil fraud trial,” Cohen wrote in the post. “See you there!”

Cohen has previously predicted that the civil fraud trial could mean the end of Trump’s businesses in the state and city where he made his name and fortune if they are placed in receivership.

Read the whole story here:,of%20his%20most%20loyal%20employees.


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Noble Member
10 months ago

I am glad he and trump the pab have parted ways but I look at him the same way I do Liz Chaney. They were republicans just not so long ago. Nicole Wallace and morning joe are also republicans but I like Nicole for some reason or another. Morning joe on the other hand I still remember when he was in congress and that kind of makes me remember how he used to act. Now days he just tries to talk over everyone. I also remember joe and Mika kissing trumps butt every morning on the show.

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