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Ben in Oakland
Active Member
Ben in Oakland(@ben-in-oakland)
1 year ago

This one is not only completely bonkers, but she is a one woman rage machine. What is also interesting is Billy Chilton– he wants misery inflicted on everyone who gave the world covid. But I thought covid was a hoax.

The problem is that the fucking crazy right wingers don’t communicate with the shit-for-brains right wingers. They can’t get their stories straight.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ben in Oakland
Trusted Member
1 year ago

Still not dead? Come on Covid!

Active Member
1 year ago

Completely and utterly brainwashed.

I watched an interesting video last night about Cambridge Analytica and Facebook.
These folks were individually targeted. It was mind control, they went after those they knew would be receptive.

There used to be laws against this kind of thing.

Noble Member
1 year ago

Hello Everyone!! I hope you are all doing well. Thanks for the heads-up
about this site!

Noble Member
1 year ago

To think, there are millions like this.
S I G H ………………

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash(@rainbow-dash)
1 year ago

Thank you for starting the site and continuing my “therapy”
Is there a link to what you posted?
Or do I just look for the HCA award myself?
I’m not super-techy so please bear with me. . .

Avery Voyeur
Noble Member
Avery Voyeur(@avery-voyeur)
1 year ago

Well the hospital may have helped her body, but no amount of medication will help her mind.

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