Wind Turbine Noise Doesn’t Cause Cancer, but This Does

A closer look at how generating electricity affects health

On the other hand, indirect evidence suggests that wind farms may reduce the national burden of cancer—particularly lung cancer—if they replace coal-fired electrical generating plants. Air pollution from the fine particulate matter that coal plants spew is linked to a higher risk of early death from lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The latest study, titled “A global perspective on coal-fired power plants and burden of lung cancer,” published in the journal Environmental Health, looked at data from 13,581 coal-fired plants in 83 countries from 2000 to 2016. The more energy produced by coal in a region, the researchers conclude, the higher the risk for lung cancer in men and women. By 2025, they estimate, coal-fired power plants will be responsible for more than 1.37 million cases of lung cancer around the world.


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