America’s bad ass kicks orange ass

Go ahead, Donny. Lash out at Simone. You know you want to. I dare you. I double dog dare you.

I mean, come on. You’re a big, tough Former Guy, TV star, and Master of the Universe. Surely you can take on this diminutive, 27 year old Black woman.

I mean, dude, she’s practically a baby. And super shrimpy – only 4’8″. And a female (you know they’re only good for one thing). And, worst of all, she has skin pigmentation that doesn’t come out of a bottle.

Go on, show her who’s boss!

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Noble Member
1 month ago

Give it time, PAB lacks control of his racist outbursts. Simone egging him on demonstrates she expects it and is ready, willing and able to take on his creepy bullshit.

Last edited 1 month ago by -- HOS --
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