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If Trump loses ‘MAGA has nowhere to go but down’: conservative columnist

In his column, he bluntly stated “attempts to mimic Trump succeed in Republican primaries and deep red jurisdictions, but they fail in swing states and purple districts,” before adding, “Trump is MAGA’s most popular figure, and if he loses, then MAGA has nowhere to go but down.”

As he pointed out, the former president selected Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) as his running mate in 2024, but he has failed to catch fire with voters, and that a broad array of MAGA-like candidates including Arizona’s Kari Lake, Georgia’s Herschel Walker and Pennsylvania’s Doug Mastriano all suffered defeats in 2022 — and the prospects for far-right candidates in 2024 are not looking any better.

“Trump is peak MAGA, and even peak MAGA hasn’t been able to achieve Mitt Romney’s share of the 2012 popular vote. Stronger turnout masked this reality, but Trump has never achieved even 47 percent of the total votes cast,” he pointed out before adding, “I’m under no illusions that defeating Trump will resurrect Ronald Reagan’s Republican Party — or John McCain’s or Mitt Romney’s. I’m also under no illusions about the fate of Never Trumpers in a post-Trump G.O.P.”


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