The hands of the NRA

I found this image of bloody hands on a site called Pexels. As soon as I saw it, I thought of the NRA. The caption was easy; but I spent awhile trying to decide which font to use.

All of the NRA’s smug slogans and tired talking points don’t change the fact that their active opposition of sensible gun regulations is the reason why there are so many mass shootings in the USA.

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Noble Member
10 months ago

I live in the southern part of Ky. and everyone carries a gun. I was at a local fire department not long ago and a woman that works there had a gun on her side and approached me and asked me what I carried as she assumed I was carrying a concealed weapon as it was not visible. I told her my temper would not allow me to carry a gun and if I did that 75% of the people in the room would be not safe as I have a tendency to miss 25% of the time. Left her trying to do the math and later ran into her when leaving. She did not make eye contact turned away as if she was talking to someone.

Noble Member
10 months ago

I like the idea Keith Olberman has to name each incident of mass killing after a politician.

Noble Member
10 months ago

Your meme shows a precise depiction of the NRA & all the evil it manifests!

Last edited 10 months ago by -- HOS --
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