Vance = Fat Don Jr with eyeliner

JD Vance = (Don Jr) + (fat) + (eyeliner)

So why didn’t Donald select Don Jr as his running mate, and keep all the power and money in the family? He could have set up a multi-generational dynasty, like the Kim family of North Korea.

Baron is too young, Ivanka is too smart, Eric is too dumb, Tiffany is a ditz, but Don Jr is juuuuusssst right. Why was he snubbed by Dad?

Any theories?

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Noble Member
1 month ago

Quick Theory: PAB knows his son is a weak know-nuttin dumbass who’s been suckin off daddies teats for decades, certain to screw up even with the weird red hats, not bright enough to take on the Blue Wave.

Avery Voyeur
Noble Member
Avery Voyeur(@avery-voyeur)
1 month ago

He would not be able to distance himself enough from jr when trying to lay blame for a major screw up, cause jr would still be family.

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