Monday Funnies

Here is a sequel to HOS’s always-hilarious “Sunday Funnies”…


Pick the correct religion or else!!!!


Nothing is ever my fault!


The bumper sticker “Shit happens” contains more truth and wisdom than most Buybull verses.


This is an actual statistic. George Carlin’s comment on that statistic is an actual quote.


This one’s not funny, but it needs to be said.


“Fuck logic. If it feels good, believe it!”


The Wholly Buybull!


Perlinator Before Swine


The Donald has Presidential immunity, not only from the law but also from the 10 Commandments.


All science comes from Satan! That’s why it’s so cool.

Only Jesus can save you. …from the wrath of Jesus!


The book “Guide to Survival” was published in 1968 and it warns that the Rapture is about to occur very soon.


Faith in the Lord is a poor substitute for watching where you’re going.


This one was inspired by the numerous religious morons on “Sorry Anti Vaxxer” who proclaimed that their faith in Gawd trumped any need for vaccinations or masks.


Please post some comments so I know someone is out there! Thanks.


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Noble Member
1 month ago

Thanks for this, such a hearty laugh treat, Perl! Been hopeful for you to pop in with your memes, truth be told spin! Great to see you again!

Famed Member
1 month ago

Good to have you in the house, Perl. However, the Sunday Funnies are the brainchild of HOS, not me.

Active Member
1 month ago

Thanks Perl, great stuff!

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