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Active Member
10 months ago

My favorite derogatory term is “Globalist” Because, those far off civilizations that may have built the  technology to cross space did it not as a unified planet, but as 196 separate squabbling nation-states, the wealthiest of which is so divided that the majority party in the House is at war with itself. Yep, globalism…the sure way to fail and make sure we never escape the wreck we’ve made. After all, just think about it, if you were a superior civilization, would you let us join your congress of worlds??

Lee Lang
Noble Member
Lee Lang(@lee-lang)
11 months ago

Same with woke. Ask them to define what it is and watch their remaining braincells short circuit. Same with communist which I apparently am because I’m also an atheist. Thinking is hard and buzzwords remove the need for it.

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