Grounds for Impeachment
The Republicans have been accused of having no reason for their impeachment hearings against President Biden. Yet they most certainly […]
Revisionist History Teacher
Teaching the truth about American history is considered “liberal indoctrination” and redneck states won’t allow that!
Regressives can’t define their own buzz words
When you hear a regressive call someone a “socialist”, ask for a definition. They don’t have one!
The difference between Democrats and Republicans
Here is a concise analogy about the difference between Democrats and Republicans:
Why the Right Can Believe the Unbelievable
Why the Right Can Believe the Unbelievable: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/11/4/2203580/-Maybe-This-Explains-Why-Intelligent-People-on-the-Right-Can-Believe-the-Unbelievable#comment_87366662
Where does the USA put insane people?
Guns and mass shootings: Could there be a connection?
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