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Famed Member
10 months ago

I’m sorry, I’ve been busy all day with taking care of grandbabies.

I congratulate you on your ingenuity in finding a workaround. However, my best guess is the problem you are experiencing is due to a caching function I added to the site to make page refreshes faster and less impactful on the server. If you are experiencing a problem, my suggestion would be for you to clear your browser cache to see if that resolves it, and if it does not, drop me an email at If the problem persists, I will turn off the site cache to see if that resolves it.

I would guess that your workaround gives the appearance of working because the registration function probably clears cache. Likewise, if you think you are not logged in but you are able to see / comment on Chat, it’s probably because you really are logged in but can’t tell because you’re looking at a partial cache of the page. If this is correct, clearing your browser cache would make the problem go away. If it does not permanently go away, that is not good enough. (Obviously I don’t want people to have to clear cache repeatedly.)

I’m just guessing about the above, but the bottom line is if the caching is causing usability issues I’ll turn it off.

Speaking for myself, I’ve experienced no problems at all so far.

Last edited 10 months ago by JGorn
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