Can’t log in? Try re-registering.

JGORN: I’m having a lot of difficulty today with logging in and with staying logged in.

When I was unable to log in after multiple attempts, I tried a work-around: re-registering. I used the exact same user name, email and password, so I did not create a duplicate account. Anyhow, re-registering temporarily worked.

But then when I click on an existing thread, I’m no longer logged in!

So I re-register again, and it worked again, but only temporarily.

I discovered that if I click on an existing thread, I get logged out. However, if I create a new thread, I remain logged in.

I’m sure a lot of other members are having the same difficulties. Until the bugs are fixed, I hope my fellow members can make due with the same work-around that I’ve used.


Now, a totally off-topic meme:

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