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Thanks Dark!
By now I bet Gene’s ashes have been relegated to the back of a cupboard, and Mrs. Dunn has got a new chauffeur for the RV. 😄
Oh Dark! He was one of the most entertaining! Now to read …………
Ugly human who is proud of a wrinkled ugly shirt.
He had a dog named Ammo, a new camper and a wife, so I wrote this and posted it on SAV when Gene was first posted there.
Gene Gene you dirty old perve
I can’t park on the street you’ve got some nerve
Now that you’re dead you can’t go scamper
Your wife will share that brand new camper
She’ll find herself a nice young gun
He will take care of your Ammo because you’re done
I remember this guy from SAV.
”Don’t I Look Foolish”
Another one who clearly didn’t have a clue.
Here is an all-purpose response to any moronic anti-vax statements or denials of global warming. As always, feel free to re-use it.
Forgot this one.
I think we loved living, that’s why we got vaccinated, right?
He dispensed a lot of advice on masks and vaccines, I wonder if Karma was going to pay a visit?
He hated Biden, well no surprise there, loved his dog though.
We had fun with his DILF picture last time. The original said “Damn I Love Freedom” not “Daddy I’d Like to…”; but we recaptioned his shirt many times. Here’s a sample and the template if you want to take another run at this one!
Not sure I’ve ever seen anyone more vehemently opposed to the vaccine. He dosent like masks either, things aren’t lining up well now are they?
Gene said the vaxxed wasted a year not being afraid of dying but being afraid of living. Let’s see how that turns out!