This site has been an interesting social experiment. We started off with a bang, with a healthy mix of enthusiastic participation from SAV users. That lasted through the fourth quarter of 2023.
Then came Christmas. People seemed to forget about us during the holidays, as they should, but then forgot to come back afterward. Ironically, this seemed to happen almost simultaneously with a comment that I made that this site would live or die based on the contributions of participants, as I would not be researching individual cases along the lines of SAV – a massively time-consuming prospect.
Starting with the holidays, active participation dropped down suddenly, apparently below a tipping point, seemingly resulting in a death spiral.
At this point, it seems to be two or three of us gamely entertaining each other, but really it’s only fun if the group is large. Otherwise, we’re mostly just talking to ourselves, like singing in the shower.
So, what do you think? Should we wrap it and call it a day? Your comments below, or lack thereof, will tell the tale.
Been having some problems but hopefully all is ok now. As for my two cents I enjoy this sight. I was wanting to try to contribute some articles etc. but hit a snag or two but I will try to help out but at any rate I have enjoyed this and am trying to go back and catch up on all I have missed. I am not very good at computers etc. but everyone on here seems to be patient and helpful. Thank you so much for giving us place to find some sanity.
I appreciate you folks. Sorry that some of your comments somehow got deleted. I restored them. I have no idea why that happened – could find no settings that would auto-trash a comment. If it happens again, drop me an email at
I have commented twice on this post (this is my third try). I still like the site and hope it keeps going.
I still check in here to read what’s new but there’s rarely anyone logged in when I am. Still love the site.
I’m also a lurker and I do check this site out several times a week. I hope the site keeps going as I really enjoy this community. As a non American who knows very little about American politics etc, I have learned a lot from everyone here and at SAV. You guys keep me informed and give a few laughs along the way…I’m another fan of Sunday Funnies by HOS; it never fails to give me a few LOLs. I’ve also found it so therapeutic to find like minded people, initially regarding the vaccines, but now branching out to many other topics. As I said, I’ve learned a lot.
I’ve had a rough few months, my constant companion, the only one who loves me, my little chihuahua/mini poodle is fading, slowly. closer to 17 years old now, and completely blind, she has dementia and sundowners. she’s not been in any pain or discomfort, but it’s nearly a full time job taking care of her. I love that little dog more than I love humanity.
My daughter has said she thinks I may fade away from grief when the inevitable gets here. Maybe so. I’d rather go into the great unknown with my bestie that alone. Still, though, after looking for a long time, I adopted another dog, bright, curious, and we’ve spent a lot of effort on it, but she’s adjusted and is firmly family now. 4 or 5 years old, maybe, maltese/poodle mix.
THEN, 2 weeks ago, I scooted under a car to check if the starter was loose, and the car fell off the jack, trapping me and crushing my chest. I could only see my little bling friend, and knew she’d die overnight because nobody ever comes here. Somehow, and I honestly don’t know how, I managed to pump enough adrenaline to pull my body out from under the car. I go look at it every couple hours. Cross member is maybe 4 inches off the ground, my chest is surely not capable off shrinking to 4 inches, but somehow I am here.I called my neighbor, who has dogs and we dogsit for each other, she came sown, I was telling her where everything was, and what to do or my dogs, but she called the EMS instead. By then, I was felling like maybe I was going to live, but totally messed up internally. By the time I got to the hospital in the ambulance, I was once again doubting that I’d make it, but I did. Cat scans, etc did not show any broken bones or internal bleeding. Although the EMS thought I had multiple broken ribs, broke collarbone, and concussion, nothing shoed. I went home. Pain has been horrible, but I’m getting better.
I think about life a lot differently than I did 2 weeks and a day ago, that’s for sure. Although I understand the sentiment that people express when they talk about assassinating, hanging, etc the entire maga faction, that’s just not the way. We would be like them, from an opposite ideology. I despise trump, alex jones, steve bannon, etc as much as anybody, and completely understand the sentiment, talking stupid shit like killing them is just too lowclass for me. And with no moderation on SAV, I’m seeing a lot of that, and prefer not to associate myself with ignorance.
All that to say that, as I get back on even ground, I’ll try to contribute more than I have the last few months.
I’ll admit I’m another that rarely posts to SAV these days, and whilst I did visit here most days after you initially set the site up, I did stop coming back after a little while.
I do have a look at Loomers page once or twice a day, and will
likely continue to do so while there is still activity there.
Recently when I have gone to SAV, I have been met with a “page not found error”, and while reloading the page normally fixes the problem, we all know there is a virtual sword of Damocles hanging over that site.
I see FAFO as the plan B. Even though there is little happening here, if and when SAV dies I expect all of those users will immediately head here and keep this site going.
I have enjoyed the SAV site from the beginning and still today. Just nice to hear from others who felt the same way when one can feel isolated in a sea of crazy. I also appreciate your effort to have this site as a back up should the other go down. I think people are just used to going to the SAV site after all these years and it’s hard to transition over to a new one if the old one is still going, albeit, less activity of entries or comments. I have never contributed or commented except for this time. I can’t think of anything to say or people beat me to it. But I like the community and enjoy the conversations in the comments. It reminds me of the message board for Freedom From Religion Foundation I used to be on many years ago. I often wonder if some of the posters here and at SAV were from that site, especially the ones poking fun at religion. Anyway, I hope you still keep this one going and maybe try to prompt people to come here now and again with a link and a question to answer for the day/week or something to respond to?? I understand how time consuming these projects are and, again, want to say how much I appreciate you doing this. I would hate for the SAV community, including us lurkers, to lose touch….p.s. HOS, I LOVE the Sunday Funnies and check them out every week. Thanks!! Often share with my husband. Enjoy the laughs.
Thanks for this post, JG! You’ve done a ton of work here establishing a smooth functioning spot not in shaky danger of going dark. I’ve wondered often why the site didn’t become a main hub for SAV – it looked promising for that at kickoff.
Lately, I’ve gravitated to SAV when I post because like you said, it’s better with a larger group. I will add that SAV has had fewer posters and activity is at a snail’s pace. But there aren’t any trolls or bullies apparent.
One fun perk is that some members pop in for quick visits now and then. Would you consider visiting SAV at all? Please say yes or at least consider it. I was happy to see your genius creation of bearded death when someone posted it…maybe was in the fall or early winter.
I tried to post at both for a while, but timewise that didn’t work out for me in keeping up. I’ve recently pondered the idea to post Sunday Funnies only at FAFO as a draw but imagine that likely wouldn’t hold much weight in upping participation. I’m open to any suggestions to draw members in here as a final effort. In any regard, I’ll continue to post Sunday Funnies here as long as I’m posting them and the lights are on.
That said, I also understand the sad but true notion of no sense to keep it rolling with so little activity, but I’d hate to see it go!
I check the site out regularly but don’t comment much. Would like it to keep going, but I totally get it if you want to end it.
I like the site, though I am one who has rarely contributed. The problem, as I see it, is that there has been more participation at Loomer Central. For the longest time it seemed like SAV could go dark without any notice. FAFO was like a lifeboat. I for one am really sick of Laura Loomer. I’m sticking around as long as there are people who FAFO. Mike.