Meet Baron Von ShitzInPantz

Nothing much to say here. I just thought it noteworthy that the man who has successfully trashed dozens of opponents by labeling them with childish nicknames, now has had his own nickname “Von ShitzInPantz” entered into the official court records today, courtesy of Von ShitzInPantz’ own former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

I guess it’s fair to say that Von ShitzInPantz has met up with Herr Schadenfreude.


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4 months ago

 😄  😅  😂  I really hope he’s embarrassed about his shitty pants. A guy that used to work on the Apprentice that doesn’t care about an NDA who sometimes shows up on Bob Cesca’s show says he smells horrible in real life and yes, shits his pants on the regular. I hope the orange turd is uncomfortable all the time with a soiled diaper.

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