Trump asks Supreme Court to keep Jan. 6 trial on hold, citing 2024 election

“Monday’s filing asks the justices to temporarily suspend — pending a formal appeal to the Supreme Court — the sweeping rejection by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit of Trump’s claim that he is shielded from prosecution for actions he took while in office.

It came on the same day that Trump attended a court hearing in Florida in a separate criminal case, in which he faces federal charges of mishandling classified documents and obstructing government efforts to retrieve them. In Georgia, a different hearing addressed allegations of misconduct against a state-level prosecutor who has charged Trump in connection with alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election results there.”

“As they decide whether to grant Trump’s request to keep the proceedings on hold, the justices are also likely to consider whether to schedule the immunity issue for argument before the Supreme Court’s term ends in late June or early July. The justices could deny Trump’s request and allow the D.C. Circuit’s ruling that Trump can be prosecuted to stand, clearing the way for trial proceedings to resume immediately.”

“In his filing, Trump said the Supreme Court should not expedite review of his case and should instead allow him to first seek rehearing by a full complement of D.C. Circuit judges.”


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Famed Member
8 months ago

I love the label below the belt. It reminds us of what it must be like in various courts for Trump…

Trump: “Your Honor… and I use the phrase loosely, believe me, because you’re terrible, really very, very terri-”

Judge: “Get to the point, Sparky.”

Trump: “Well, I think this kind of case is very, very mean. I was just performing my duty, okay? In a very perfect way.”

Judge: “The Special Counsel contends it was a crime…”

Trump: “Special Counsel… many people say Sphincter Counsel… I’m not saying it, but I’ve heard that many, many people do.”

Judge: “Get to the point, Sparky.”

Trump: “What’s with this ‘Sparky’ thing? I don’t believe in calling people names. Very childish. Not something I would do, ever.”

Judge: “Please continue!”

Trump: “Anyway, that idiot butthead sphincter boy over there says ‘crime’? What crime? Is loving your country a crime? Is being awesome, like the world has never seen before, a crime? Is treason a cri… Uh, but anyway, if that loser wants to use the word crime, I think we can agree it was perfect, a perfect crime. And I’m told that perfection is the opposite of crime, so that means there was no crime. Perfect, perfect crime. Like no crime has ever been before, or so many are saying.”

Judge: “What is your point?”

Trump: “I mean, either way, this case is not fair. Doing your duty should not be brought in a case to court.”

Judge: (*sigh*) “So you’re not happy with these briefs. Tell me, when doing what you think is your job, what kind of briefs do you prefer to be presented?”

Trump: “I don’t know what you mean. Speekee in Eeengleesh, okay? We’re not in Ji-nah…” [looks at his lawyer] “I mean, what’s with this guy, all I hear is ‘ching chang chong chung‘. It’s crazy. Many people say so.”

Judge: “Concentrate hard. Now tell me, when doing your ‘duty’, what kind of briefs do you prefer?”

Trump: “Depends. But sometimes Underoos. Why do you ask? What? Why are you looking at me like that? Did I leak?” [looks around feet]

Judge: Uhhhhh… I think we’re done here.

Trump: “Good idea. I need to get back on the stump… (‘Trump on the Stump’, that’s better than ‘Elf on the Shelf’ or ‘Snoop on the Stoop’… Hey, Trump on the Stump would make a great NFT… Rudy, take a note…). Anyway I have to get back out there and destroy Nikki Pelosi. Send her back to Bombay, okay? ‘Gud deh sahib… I be Nancy Haley and I am so deliteful to be wit you on dis berry day… ching chang chong chung!!‘ Terrible, terrible person. I would not even grab her pussy, that much I can tell you. I tried, but she smelled like deli meat. No, not from a delicatessen. I mean from New Delhi. What’s wrong with this country when it puts some buttonhead in charge of Capitol Security. Where’s my covfefe?”

Last edited 8 months ago by JGorn
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