That looks like the back of an old woman’s head and neck to me. Plus no indication of Ever any facial hair… Gotta think this is a parody, but if it’s true, then I guess all I can think is “Huh huh, it’s not a cult!!”
My guess would be that he found out that his son had the milkman for a biological father. Took it out on his so called son. He has another shirt that states he is voting for pab because his ex ran off with the milkman.
That looks like the back of an old woman’s head and neck to me. Plus no indication of Ever any facial hair… Gotta think this is a parody, but if it’s true, then I guess all I can think is “Huh huh, it’s not a cult!!”
My guess would be that he found out that his son had the milkman for a biological father. Took it out on his so called son. He has another shirt that states he is voting for pab because his ex ran off with the milkman.
The last five words alone basically means “I’m an idiot”.