A mental breakdown, or just another day in Trumpville?

I read this rant, and I thought: This is what a complete psychotic break looks like in real-time.

It’s posed as a question, although it ends in a period. And, of course, it could be considered rhetorical because the answer to the question is an obvious “zero”.

But then I realized this is just another day in Trumpville – the temper tantrum of a man whose intellectual and emotional development came to a halt at roughly age 10 (being generous).

The overall theme – that Joe Biden is going to reclaim his nomination at the Democratic Convention from the theives who stole it – is completely untethered from reality. I mean, seriously unhinged, both as a concept of Biden’s intentions and as legal theory, so this is suggestive of a psychotic break from reality.

But the execution of it, complete with juvenile name calling and the projection of his own failed presidency, is suggestive of an “I lost my binkie” temper tantrum moment.

The wonder is that his cult worshipers will not notice either aspect, and will instead give a standing ovation.

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Noble Member
1 month ago

Send in the nice young men in their clean white coats, stat.

Famed Member
1 month ago


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