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Active Member
3 months ago

Are any of you members of FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation)? Just wondering. FYI, they have a show called Freethought Matters where they interview all kinds of people in regard to atheism, religion and separation of church and state. Might want to check it out?? The organization helps fight against the encroachment of religion in public life by helping people with lawsuits when, for example, schools try to make kids participate in religious practices. And yes, it is getting harder to fight these ignorant dicks with the conservative judges.

P.S. I’m not sure I know how to attach a link. Can maybe copy and paste if it doesn’t work?

Famed Member
3 months ago


Famed Member
3 months ago

My reply to “Fun Fact”: Americans don’t have to follow any religion NOW, but if the Christofascists have their way, that could change.

Famed Member
4 months ago

Speaking of mummies, the geniuses at Answers in Genesis have estimated the year of the Noah flood as 2348bc. Other believers have come up with a similar number, give or take 100 years or so.

Here is the historical timeline of Egypt with the flood inserted:

11000 bc – first Nile settlements
3250 bc – development of writing
2700 bc – first artificial mummification
2600 bc – Great Pyramid
2348 bc – Noah’s flood wipes out 100% of Egyptians
2055 bc – unification of upper and lower Kingdoms

The astute observer will see a problem with this timeline. The Egyptians apparently failed to notice that they were wiped out, along with every living thing on the planet other than Noah’s immediate family and a handful of animals.

Also, the first Nile settlements pre-dated the creation of the universe. But I digress.

Last edited 4 months ago by JGorn
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