FAFO: Florida man shoots, kills Florida man for trimming tree

From CNN:

A Volusia County, Florida, man was arrested early Monday morning after allegedly shooting and killing his neighbor’s 42-year-old son who had been trimming tree limbs along his fence line Sunday evening, the Volusia Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post.

Edward Druzolowski, 78, confronted Brian Ford about being on his property before threatening to shoot him, the VSO said in the post. When Ford refused to leave, Druzolowski shot the man, who died despite life-saving measures by the first two deputies on the scene.

Ford’s mother told sheriff’s deputies in a 911 call that her son had been trimming the trees at her house, which is directly next to Druzolowski’s, when her neighbor shot him. She also mentioned Ford’s 8-year-old son was near him when the shooting happened, according to court documents.


Court records show that the assigned public defender, Larry Avallone, withdrew as counsel at around noon on Tuesday. It’s unclear whether Druzolowski has sought alternate counsel at this time.

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Noble Member
1 year ago


“Gun owners are ready to fight back against Beacon Hill as Democrats plan a push for stronger firearm control laws during next year’s legislative session.”

They might only get some of the regulation they want, but, one step at a time. It’s the only way forward.

Last edited 1 year ago by cath
Noble Member
1 year ago

Stupid a-hole. That poor kid. It’s a sad outrage at this point. Floriduh, of course.

Last edited 1 year ago by tigerlily
Noble Member
1 year ago

It’s Floriduh.

Noble Member
1 year ago

He’ll probably get off because of Stand Your Ground law in Florida. I want to know the real reasons both public defenders gave for not representing the shooter. I’m also very glad my next door neighbors spend their time hacking up their lungs while watching TV in their backyard instead of shooting me for cutting back their blackberry canes climbing over and through my fence.

Noble Member
1 year ago

More details here. Apparently, Druzolowski thought the chamber was empty when he pulled the trigger:

Druzolowski said he threatened to shoot Ford as he got close, pulling the trigger once because he “keeps the first two (rounds) empty for safety reasons.” When Ford kept moving toward him, Druzolowski pulled the trigger again, this time setting off the gun and shooting Ford.”


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