Texans offended by Anne Frank, fire teacher

Lot and his daughters.

The state of Texas clutched its peals and fired a teacher for assigning “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation”. Presumably, their concern was not with offending Nazis (although these days we can’t be sure), but rather their concern was over the outrage of a 12 year old being curious about genitals. I know that as a 12 year old, I certainly never wondered about genitals, refusing even to look at my own. It wasn’t until my 60th birthday that I took my first look, but it was only by accident!

Meanwhile, Texans wholeheartedly embrace a book of violence, filth, cruelty, and erotica that goes by the name of The Bible, which features unabashed and graphic endorsement of genocide, murder, slavery, and rape. And unlike the Anne Frank book, “graphic” in this instance does not mean “illustrated like a comic book”. While some might find this a matter of stunning hypocrisy, it’s more likely to reflect the reality that Texans don’t bother with things like reading, much less critical thinking.

For those unacquainted with the gore and mayhem in scriptures, one good example is the charming story of Lot in Genesis 19. Lot is visited in his house in Sodom by two angels. The men of Sodom, who, after all, were Sodomites, were taken by the beauty of the angels and were overcome by their sexual urges. They demanded that Lot turn over his guests to them so they could be raped. Ever the godly man, Lot implored the mob to not rape the angels, and instead he offered up his two virgin daughters to be abused as the mob saw fit. Later in the story, Lot’s daughters get him drunk and rape him. It’s really excellent, family-friendly material.


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Noble Member
11 months ago

I’m not sure the age of the kids – eight-year-old? If so, they’d probably be fully “informed” by the internet. No innocence to preserve.

Noble Member
11 months ago

Article here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/20/texas-teacher-fired-anne-frank-book-ban

“Notably, this particular graphic novel has been subject to book bans before.

A Florida high school removed the graphic novel after a chapter of Moms for Liberty, an extremist advocacy group, objected to the book’s sexual contents and claimed it did not teach the Holocaust accurately . . .”

Noble Member
11 months ago

As soon as I saw this I had a pretty good idea which bit of the book they objected to.

Noble Member
11 months ago

Noble Member
11 months ago

I’ve heard the story of Lot before but I had zero idea about the sex with angels bit or the sodomy part. And I had NO idea about how truly graphic the bible is, and it makes a lot more sense as to why every Republicunt thinks it’s okay to do what they do. I guess you learn something new every day.

Noble Member
11 months ago

J, I loves ya. I haven’t been able to stop laughing about this. It’s taken you until the age of 60 to sneak a peek at your junk, albeit by accident, but I gotta ask, were the lights always turned off when you were having sex?!? Maybe it’s an “only at night” kind of thing. Lol

Famed Member
11 months ago

The party that bans books is the same party that recently coined the phrase “liberal cancel culture”! Their hypocrisy is off the charts.

Republican Hypocrisy Mountain 06.png
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