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Famed Member
11 months ago

The Rapture was predicted to be “imminent” many times in history. A book published in 1968 lists Biblical “signs” that the world of that period was the most sinful in history. One piece of evidence of shocking, unprecedented sin was this: a nightclub comedian used a lot of foul language.

Well, I’m convinced! There were no foul-mouthed nightclub comedians during the middle ages, but there was one in 1968! Therefore, 1968 was more sinful and decadent than any other time in human history. Jesus should return very soon; perhaps by 1970 or 1971. Probably no later than 1972.

Famed Member
11 months ago

Here’s a song for the Rapture, to the tune of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”:

You better not pout,
You better not cry,
You better watch out,
I’m telling you why.
Jesus Christ is coming back down.

He sees you when you’re sleeping,
He knows when you’re awake;
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake.

You better not pout,
You better not cry,
You better watch out,
I’m telling you why.
Jesus Christ is coming back down.

Noble Member
11 months ago

Woohoo for zip-line zipping!

Noble Member
11 months ago

Oh, good. The Rapture is on a Friday. I can stay up and see it. So glad it’s not on a Monday. I’d hate to miss it because I have to work Tuesday. My commute will be nice and light.

Avery Voyeur
Noble Member
Avery Voyeur(@avery-voyeur)
11 months ago

Jeebus took some powerful drugs!

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